The Virgin Birth of Jesus

Jesus was miraculously conceived by His mother, Mary. Mary was a virgin at the time of His conception. This revelation of scriptures validates the deity of Jesus and His distinctive nature as the only sinless man that has ever walked the Earth. A woman who has not had sexual relations with a man is referred to as a virgin.

God, Himself and Paul, the Apostle attest to Jesus’ virgin birth by associating Him with the woman, Mary, and never with an earthly father (Genesis 3:15; Galatians 4:4). Jesus, Himself referred to God as His Father, proving that He had no earthly father (Matthew 12:46-50; 22:41-46; John 8:54- 58)

The birth of Jesus was foretold by the prophets of old. One of such prophesies is the one given by Isaiah, the prophet, several years before His actual birth. Isaiah said, ‘Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a Son . . .’ (Isaiah 7:14). Even when the news of the miraculous event was announced to Mary by an Angel, she exclaimed, ‘How shall these things be, seeing I know not a man?’ (Luke 1:34). After Mary conceived Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit, Joseph, her husband never has sexual relations with her until she gave birth to Jesus (Matthew 1:19).

Examining the foregoing, we understand that Jesus was conceived without adamic depravity. He is spotless! He became the spotless Lamb of God that had to make the ultimate sacrifice to redeem man from perdition and destruction. No other man (wallowing in adamic depravity) could have done that for mankind. The ways and wisdom of God!

What should be our response to this revelation of scriptures? Reference to the holy, spotless Lamb of God. One of the ways to honour Him is to surrender our life completely under His authority.