The first of the 10 commandments given to man to guide godliness, morality, and human relationships forbids polytheism (the worship of many gods), worshipping man, community, imaginary gods, pleasure, reason, philosophy, business, religion, demons, profession, trade, fashion, gods, goddesses, etc.
The commandment is clear, ‘You shall have no other gods before Me’ (Exodus 20:3). This commandment encourages monotheism (the belief in one God – the Almighty God).
As society becomes increasingly complex and difficult to navigate in a godly way, we need to live dependent on God’s grace to keep our eyes on the only true God and to ensure that nothing else plays the role of God in our lives.
There is the temptation to have multiple gods (practice polytheism). For example, we claim that the Almighty God is our God, but the flame of, and the craving for, pleasure may constitute another god to us. For others, it could be: desiring God alongside a very strong craving for a mortal man – giving the man the first place in their life. The man’s words may inadvertently become the final authority in their lives. The man’s way of life is considered the ultimate and venerated.
What about syncretism? A man worships God and performs sacrifices to demons when they are indicated. He goes to Church but ‘protects’ himself with charms or other demonic prescriptions. He eats at the table of God, but he also eats food that has been sacrificed to idols and demons.
Who has your ultimate devotion? Do you worship God and other things? God desires to have you and to be the only God that you worship and serve. He forbids polytheism. Don’t worship God alongside any other thing. Don’t have a divided heart. He wants your total attention. Don’t worship God and traditions/customs. Don’t worship God and your profession, career, or business. Don’t worship God and fame, religion, or philosophies. Don’t worship God and fashion. Don’t worship God and demons. Don’t worship God and money. Don’t worship God and your village or community. Don’t worship God and pleasure, reason, or imaginary gods. Don’t worship other gods.
Come out of polytheism by pledging allegiance to the Almighty God alone to the exclusion of all other things that are competing to play the role of God in your life. Let the Almighty God alone be God, Indeed, in your life.