You are just an individual

When it comes to the core matters of eternity, you are just an individual. When it comes to the matters of salvation from sin, death, judgement, and the eternal state, you are alone in your choice and destiny. All other persons are not significant on that journey.

When the rich man (in the rich man and Lazarus story) was on the Earth, he had the option of following God through the light that God had revealed at the time. Did he? No. He chose to live without God. When he died, did he die alone? Yes, he passed on alone. Then, he went to hell. Did any of his people accompany him to hell? No.

Understand that you are alone in the most important journey of life – salvation, death, judgement, and the eternal state. You are just an individual. Yes, you can receive help – enormous help, along that way but no one can go that way for you. No spouse, child, relation, respected mentor, influencer, partner, or friend can go that way for you.

You see why you should be more serious and intentional about spiritual things? If you do not push yourself through that ‘narrow way’, no one can do it for you. What are you doing with your life now that you can still make that right choice and set yourself on the plinth of eternal glory? What are you doing now that you still have time?

Seeing that you will journey to eternity alone should help you to sift through the advise of respected people and discard words that teach rebellion against God, resist the temptation to offend God because a boss, parent, or a spouse is urging you to disobey God, take a firm decision to follow God all the way – come what may.

You could decide for Christ now that you still can. Don’t wait for anyone or the opinions of significant others. You are an ‘individual’ at salvation. Ask God to forgive your sins and receive you into His fold. Ask Jesus to become your Lord. Follow God through His Word.