The genuine awareness of our sinfulness, the frailty of humanity, the reality of life after death, and the fact that what we do with Christ and our lives now will either glorify or damn our souls eternally should drive us to seek God now until we find Him.
That should be the normal response of man to those overwhelming matters that surround him and define his existence.
Those matters should not drive him to embrace science or humanism to the exclusion of the weightier matters of existence, meaning, morality, and eternity. They should not drive us into the arms of atheistic philosophies and dispositions.
No wise man should attempt to chart a course for his eternal destiny when the Creator and Owner of us all has already drafted a redemption plan for man.
What God expects you to do is to key into the provision that He has made for you so you can enjoy a walk with Him in this life and enjoy eternity with Him in His abode – heaven.
To key into His provision, you need to ask for His forgiveness for all your sins and life away from Him, invite Jesus into your heart, and stay close to Him throughout your earthly life.