Have you counted the cost?

Have you counted the cost?

– the cost of traveling down a road that you are not sure of at the end or of the manager.

– the cost of following a life philosophy, man, or religion that promises no secure future.

– the cost of laying claim to salvation when genuine conversion has not taken place.

– the cost of trying to use water baptism to replace the blood of Jesus Christ by insisting that water baptism washes away sins.

– the cost of attending Church regularly without ever having an encounter with God.

– the cost of trivialising spiritual things to enlarge the coast of your flesh career or business.

– the cost of identitying as a Christian but venerating clandestine spirits or getting involved with necromantic activities.

– the cost of living your life as a worldly Christian

– the cost of going to Church but living in sin.

– the cost of following the advice of influencers and social media enthusiasts to gloss over spiritual things and focus on ephemeral things.

– the cost of serving God and mammon.

– the cost of being wealthy but not rich towards God.

– the cost of sowing to your flesh alone until it is too late.

This is the time to count the cost. Your soul will live forever. Where it will live beyond this life is the bane of this plea. There are only 2 destinations beyond this life – heaven and hell. When you get to your destination, you will live there forever. What is forever? Forever is a never-ending time – the eternal state. Scarry? Count the cost today.