Eternal life

The ultimate purpose of redemption is ‘eternal life’.

Eternal life is living with the Creator forever.

Forever is never-ending. So, living with the Creator forever is living with the Almighty God throughout all eternity.

The human mind is too limited to understand eternity. Eternity is a never-ending space of time. We shall all enter into this space of time after death. Eternity is forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and continuously ever and ever and endlessly ever. Scary! Eternity is too long to spend it in the wrong place.

God inhabits eternity and He wants us to live with Him in that sacred space as joint-heirs with Christ.

Eternal life comes alive in us when we accept Christ as our Lord and personal Saviour. We are enabled to live like God wants us to. We become overcomers. We receive the authority to exercise dominion over God’s creation and clandestine powers.

That eternal life working in us drives our walk with God and energises our final exit from this realm of human limitations to be with the God of eternity.

I have hope for this life and the future because of the eternal life that God imparted to me. I have a future because I have Jesus. My life beyond the grave is secure because of my faith in Jesus! Hallelujah!