Chimpanzees’ Use of Medicinal Plants Discovered in Uganda A groundbreaking study has found that chimpanzees in Uganda’s Budongo Forest use certain plants as medicine to treat their illnesses. This rare discovery shows that chimpanzees use plants specifically for their healing properties, not just as food. Key Findings of the StudyContinue Reading

A recent study suggests that wild elephants might use unique sounds, similar to names, to address each other. The study, published in Nature Ecology & Evolution, was inspired by previous research on bottlenose dolphins, which use signature whistles to call each other by name. Dr. Mickey Pardo, a biologist atContinue Reading

New research reveals that slouching while using a smartphone or working does not damage your spine. Chris McCarthy from Manchester Metropolitan University highlights that studies conducted over the past two decades show no connection between slouching and spinal pain. Traditionally, slouching has been considered harmful and associated with negative traits,Continue Reading

Multiple mandibular impactions secondary to hyperdontia refer to a dental condition where an excess number of teeth, a condition known as hyperdontia, causes multiple teeth in the lower jaw (mandible) to become impacted. Impacted teeth are those that are unable to erupt properly into the mouth due to obstruction byContinue Reading