I thought I knew Him

I thought I knew God, but I didn’t. The motions of religion coursed through my being and shaped my values. I read the holy writ available to me and obeyed its commandments. I walked in the ways prescribed by its precepts.

I must correct myself — I did know God. But I didn’t know Him in the new way He had designed. I was immersed in the old, which had been replaced by a new reality.

My zeal for God knew no bounds. I stood against anything that sought to discredit the knowledge of God. Everyone recognised me as a defender of our religion.

Then, I had an encounter with Jesus. He introduced me to the new covenant that had replaced the old one I respected, defended, and practised. I became a changed man. From that point, I became a worthy ambassador of the new covenant.

I am Paul — Paul of Tarsus.

Have you encountered Jesus? Have you been introduced to the new covenant? Entering into that covenant begins with the new birth. Have you been born again?