Taking regular spiritual exercises – part 3

This is the final part of the series on ‘Taking regular spiritual exercises’. In this series, we shall concentrate on 3 important disciplines that may help a believer to achieve mastery of some Kingdom domains. These disciplines are:

1. Learn to give. Our first obligation in giving is to God. And secondly, to others, especially to those in need. Everything you have can be a gift – ranging from a smile, which can lighten the hurting, to your money or materials, which can solve pressing problems or your talent, which can edify a fellow human or believer. All you have are gifts, if given in the context of the Word of God. All gifts are seeds. Giving out is sowing. God promises a bountiful harvest for you (the sower). Your harvest will be commensurate with the quality and quantity of your seed. Give to God’s Work. Give to others. Give! Give!! Give!!!

2. Take notes during sermons and Bible studies so you can go over them, prayerfully, in private using your own copy of the Bible. This will help you to internalize sermons and develop convictions that are specially poured out by the Holy Ghost in Services.

3. When needed, meet mature, Bible-Christians for counsel about issues that you are not clear about before you take actions. Your Pastor should be your first port of call when faced with such hard decisions. Every counsel received must be studied in the light of the Word of God and ‘leading’ received, if any. There is nothing wrong with taking counsel from two or three persons before closing a case, if you are not satisfied with the first counsel.

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