Not enough

It is not enough to belong to a Church or be baptized. It is not enough to be a communicant or strong financial supporter in a Church.

Following Christ entails much more. We can’t erect an enduring building without taking time to build a solid foundation for it. In Christendom, the entire life of the genuine believer is a building. We erect the building with different building materials, depending on the quality of our walk with God. The elements of our walk are the materials that we provide for the construction.

Like the physical building, our spiritual house must have a good foundation to be resilient and firm. The foundation of the Christian faith is salvation – the born-again experience.

Those who have not experienced salvation or are not sure if they have experienced it but go about building, anyway, with religious activities and good works are at risk of losing the entire building down the road.

The Christian journey does not require haste. Calm down and take the stock of your life. Have you been born again? Are you really a member of God’s family? If your honest answers to these questions are ‘no’, you should urgently approach God for cleansing and the indwelling of Christ.

When He indwells you, Jesus will shine through you and help you to erect an eternally rewarding building that smacks elegance, beauty, and strength.