Stop and think!

It is soothing to constantly listen to encouraging words that seem to dull the seriousness of life’s matters. But that habit cannot help anyone to overcome the realities of our humanity and the hereafter.

Many religious leaders are committed to doling out endless encouraging messages. Good and helpful as they are, they cannot bequeath the real transformation that God demands from those who desire to walk with Him in this life and to dwell with Him eternally.

We need preachers of the truth – the truth of God’s Word.

We need preachers who can tell the unsaved that they are courting eternal disaster.

We need preachers who can tell the religious that religion is not enough, they must be born again.

We need preachers who can tell people that a mere routine Church attendance cannot save.

We need preachers who can tell people that being baptized is not the ticket to heaven.

We need preachers who can tell people that sin can never inherit the Kingdom of God.

We need preachers who can tell people to come to God, confess their sins, ask for His forgiveness, and invite Jesus Christ into their hearts.

We need preachers who can tell people that only Jesus can save.

Stop and think! You may have believed lies all your life!