Have you keyed into the heavenly plan?

I wish that the state of things with man’s soul is as the average man believes it is. But it is not. There is more to existence and the hereafter than everyone would like to believe.

More often than not, we tend to believe what brings us comfort and rest of mind. Sometimes, those things that we are comfortable with do not constitute the true state of things.

Think about what we believe about
1. Ourselves

2. Our finances

3. Our businesses

4. Our tomorrow (future)

5. Our shared humanity

6. The imminence of death

7. Life after death

8. What happens beyond the grave

9. God’s judgement in the hereafter

10. Our loved ones who have passed

11. Our eternal destinies

… just to mention a few.

Try to analyse what you believe about the aforementioned subjects and understand that the real truth about those subjects might make you feel uncomfortable and that you are tempted to believe otherwise.

I wish that the state of things with man’s soul is as the average man believes it is. But it is not. There is more to existence and the hereafter than everyone would like to believe.

The truth is that God created you for His pleasure and has provided a plan for your life – a plan that should manifest for this life and the life that is to come. Don’t key into the earthly plan to the detriment of the heavenly plan. Your Creator will bring your lifestyle into judgement, including how you keyed into the heavenly plan. And the judgement will determine where you will spend ‘forever’ – heaven or hell.