Have you ever wondered about what happened to the copies of your research work or related document that you submitted to your school before you graduated? Chances are that your work is sitting on a shelf, gathering dust! There is even the possibility that your work – yes, your work –Continue Reading

As India overtakes China as the most populous country in the world, should we consider this a good trophy for the nation? Population explosion has implications. There are implications for the health care system. There are implications for the environment. There are implications for food security. There are implications forContinue Reading

An Orapuh Review is a standalone survey of current scholarly sources on a specific oral and/or public health topic to provide an (updated) overview of knowledge in that area.  Orapuh Reviews are published by the journal, Orapuh Literature Reviews (oraprev.orapuh.org). An Orapuh Review involves 17 steps from conception to the finalContinue Reading

The kind of information and skills that you possess sets you apart from your contemporaries. Rare information and skills distinguish and set one up for uncommon excellence and success. Many dental and public health schools bequeath the basic skills  that are essential to the practice of the professionals they train. However,Continue Reading

One of the worst things that can happen to your oral (dental) or public health career is to study under teachers with defective or archaic information about your chosen field of study. If you do not do anything significant to break loose from such inept circle by improving your capabilitiesContinue Reading

Wise dudes choose Orapuh School – Africa’s online-only specialised dental and public health school. There is a place for everyone at the School – school.orapuh.org Enrol for the Session 2023/3 beginning on June 26. Begin your application today at orapuh.org/admission Information about the programes and courses that are available atContinue Reading

Get rare and affordable population oral health skills and education from the comfort of your home. Enrol in the Orapuh School’s Mini-Master of Dental Public Health (mMDPH) programme today. Dental Public health is the science and art of preventing and controlling dental diseases and promoting dental health through through theContinue Reading

Get rare and affordable population health skills and education from the comfort of your home. Enrol in the Orapuh School’s Mini-Master of Public Health (mMPH) programme today. Public health is the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices ofContinue Reading

Get rare and affordable dental practice and business skills and education from the comfort of your home. Enrol in the Orapuh School’s Certificate in Dental Facility Management (CDFM) programme today. Dental Facility Management is the art and science of planning, controlling, coordinating, and directing dental facility/business resources and activities toContinue Reading

Don’t get to the end of your life only to discover that you have followed an illusion all along. Eternity is too long a time to spend in the wrong place. Become intentional about your life and eternal destination. Examine the evidence for your faith. Examine the evidence for yourself.Continue Reading