Salvation through faith means believing that by trusting in Jesus Christ, one can be saved from sin and its consequences. It is not about earning salvation through good deeds but accepting God’s gift of forgiveness and eternal life. This belief transforms lives, offering hope and peace. Faith involves acknowledging JesusContinue Reading

Our world is filled with uncertainties. We need faith to operate in it. But not just any faith—God’s kind of faith. It is a faith that jettisons doubts, fears, and uncertainties, leading to a life of purpose and fulfillment. God’s kind of faith is not just about believing in something;Continue Reading

The denial of Christ by Peter stands as a reminder of human fallibility and the potential for wavering faith. Yet, this betrayal is not confined to the time of Peter; it echoes through the ages, manifesting in myriad ways in contemporary Christian life. One modern manifestation is the denial ofContinue Reading

Amidst the chaos of daily life, many remain unaware of the transformative power of the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, failing to recognise the impact it can have on their lives. Sad. The saving knowledge of Jesus Christ transcends mere belief; it is a personal encounter that has the powerContinue Reading

Have you ever felt lost or disconnected from the purpose of your life? Maybe you have been searching for meaning in all the wrong places, trying to fill a void that nothing seems to satisfy. But what if I told you that there is a word from God that canContinue Reading

The story of David and Jonathan is an example of deep friendship and loyalty. Their bond was characterised by mutual respect, support, and even sacrifice. Jonathan, despite being the son of King Saul and heir to the throne, recognised David’s worthiness and willingly formed a covenant of friendship with him.Continue Reading

In contemplating the vast dimensions of God’s love for humanity, one cannot overlook the central figure of Jesus Christ. He is the unique expression of God’s love, the embodiment of divine grace and mercy. In Jesus, we see the length of God’s love as He willingly embarked on a journeyContinue Reading

The dimensions of God’s love for humanity transcend the limits of measurement. It encompasses the length of eternity, stretching beyond the confines of time itself. It knows no boundaries, reaching every corner of existence. From the dawn of creation to the endless expanse of the future, God’s love endures, unwaveringContinue Reading

Those who bluff genuine devotion to the Creator of all things and brush it aside as mere religion are at risk of losing their soul to the horrible place that they trivialise now. The deception that comes with the search for success and good health, or the acquisition of successContinue Reading