Get rare and affordable population health skills and education from the comfort of your home. Enrol in the Orapuh School’s Mini-Master of Public Health (mMPH) programme today. Public health is the science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organized efforts and informed choices ofContinue Reading

God established the Church for edification, service, and perfection. You need the fellowship, encouragement and sharpening of other Christians to grow healthily and victoriously. This Church is a Bible- believing, living Church where Jesus Christ is the central theme of every activity and where the Spirit of God is givenContinue Reading

OBEYING GOD every moment of your life is one of the keys to success. Total submission to God and implicit, child-like, sheepish obedience to God’s Word/will is the trigger of authority in, and an unquenchable favour with, God. Obey every Word of God. Let the Word of God mould yourContinue Reading

Get rare and affordable dental practice and business skills and education from the comfort of your home. Enrol in the Orapuh School’s Certificate in Dental Facility Management (CDFM) programme today. Dental Facility Management is the art and science of planning, controlling, coordinating, and directing dental facility/business resources and activities toContinue Reading

PRAYING every day. Talking with the God of your salvation is an integral and indispensable part of your walk with God. When you talk to Him, wait for Him to talk to you too! This is prayer. Pray in the morning, pray in the afternoon, and pray at night. Always pray.Continue Reading

God is sovereign and just in all His plans and purposes. The limits of His mercy are unsearchable. He is unlimited in His wisdom and knowledge. We know very little about the capabilities of the God that we serve. If we knew the things of God the way we should,Continue Reading

Society and the process of socialisation make a man. As man interacts with the members of society and its various institutions, he evolves into a personality of character and values. The values, attitudes, and behaviours (including health values, attitudes, and behaviours) he acquires from the interactions ultimately determine his totalContinue Reading

Unhealthy lifestyle choices speed up the aging process and put the body at risk of some debilitating or life-threatening illnesses, and may even procure early death for the one who engages them. Many people die in disillusionment and agony from ailments that they strolled into or bought with their money!Continue Reading

Health is a matter of choices. We must become intentional about the choices we make. We should make and retain good choices that may help promote amd protect our health. The first step in making healthy choices is to steer clear of the old choices that have had negative influencesContinue Reading