The Holy Communion

The Holy Communion, also known as ‘The Lord’s Supper’, ‘Holy Eucharist’, ‘The Lord’s Table’, ‘Sacrament of the Holy Communion’, is a practice that was instituted by the Lord, Jesus Christ, for His Church. Its intention is ‘[symbolically] proclaiming [the fact of] the Lord’s death until He comes [again].’ (1 Corinthians 11:26 AMP). It should happen regularly in the fellowship of God’s people and even in homes in obedience to the Lord’s command.

The emblems used are ‘unleavened bread’ and the juice of ‘fruit of the vine.’ The unleavened bread symbolizes the Lord’s broken body and the wine – juice of fruit of the vine, symbolizes His blood that was shed on the Cross of Calvary for the redemption of mankind. These emblems are prayerfully eaten after their consecration through the Word and prayer.

The Holy Communion should be approached with gravity and reference. The Word of God teaches that only true believers who are living right may partake of this sacred ordinance. Where God’s presence is manifestly evident, communicants may get sick, punished, or even die if they do not observe these instructions of scriptures to recognize the body of the Lord.

When observed properly, the Holy Communion foreshadows tremendous blessing to the soul and body of communicants. There have been reports of supernatural occurrences and liberations following the administration of the Holy Communion.

There is link between the Old Testament’s feast of Passover and the New Testament’s observance of the Holy Communion. The ordinance of the Passover was a shadow of the new ordinance of the Holy Communion. The later has replaced the former.