Oral and public health academic repository that you can trust

One of the ‘vices’ that have contributed to the ‘decay’ of governance ideas that we see at different levels in our region of the world is the lack of adequate strategic research communication to inform policies, learning, teaching, practice, and decisions. Consequently, many critical decisions are not evidence-based.

You can contribute to ending this ‘vice’ by communicating your research findings in a simple and unique way.

Deposit that oral or public health research or academic document in Orapuh Academic Repository (Orap Acad Rep) for safekeeping and projection. Orap Acad Rep – oral and public health academic repository that you can trust

Say ‘No’ to the ‘rusting away’ of valuable information that is going on in some of our institutions of higher learning.

Click here to submit your document for inclusion in the repository: https://acadrep.orapuh.org

Documents that are uploaded to the Orap Acad Rep are also deposited in 2 reputable archival systems for long-term preservation (LOCKSS and PKP PN) – triple advantage?

For your convenience, the service is free.

Orap Acad Rep welcomes oral and public health:

1. PhD and Master’s Theses
2. Books
3. Book chapters
4. Academic publications (journal papers and pre-print articles)
5. Undergraduate essays and dissertations
6. Reports
7. Inaugural lectures
8. Bibliographies
9. Etc.