The aggressive or subtle machinations of darkness have 2, often covert, purposes – to stop you from achieving your real potential and to damn your soul in hell.
Have you noticed the influences of darkness on society and, by extension, your life?
They influence mindsets through the ‘pictures’ that they place before people continually.
They influence dressing code and style.
They influence music lyrics and dancing styles.
They influence how people engage with social media.
They influence television programming.
They influence movie content.
They influence how people do business.
They influence marital relationships.
They influence how people do their jobs at the office.
They even influence some religious groups!
These are just a few areas of the influence of darkness on society.
How are the forces of darkness influencing your lifestyle and conduct?
Can you pay the price of such machinations?
You can turn back from that path where the enemy is the influencer.
Turn to God. He has 2 purposes for your life – that you may have life and have it more abundantly.
You turn to God when you confess your sins to Him, ask for His forgiveness, and invite Jesus into your life to become your Lord and personal Saviour.