Trust without borders

Trust in God transcends the confines of confidence to key into the ephemeral possibilities of resting on His promises.

It includes trusting Him with our very lives – trusting Him to save us, trusting Him to deepen our walk with Him, trusting Him to get Christ formed in us and make us more Christ-like, and trusting Him even under the winds of adversities.

True trust in God has no borders.

We trust Him when we are awake and we trust Him when we go to sleep.

We trust Him when we laugh and we trust Him when we cry.

We trust Him in our decisions and we trust Him with the outcome of our decisions.

We trust Him with our life choices and we trust Him to lead us through them.

We trust Him in prayers and we trust Him in our actions.

We trust Him to help us and we trust Him even when it seems that the help is not forthcoming.

We trust Him even when it (seemingly) hurts!

Trust begins with salvation. You must become a member of God’s family to trust Him genuinely and profitably. You must belong to Him by redemption for Him to respond to your trust adequately.

Commit your life to God today, confessing all wrongdoings to Him, asking for His forgiveness, and inviting Jesus Christ into your heart and life as Lord and Saviour.