The rich man

In Luke 16, we read about the rich man that had everything going well for him because he had the means. He was a rich guy. But he didn’t have God.

One day, this man died. That is a part of our humanity. We shall all die one day. And death can come at any time. Sometimes, wealth and good health have a way of keeping this reality of our mortality away from us.

If the destiny of man had ended at the grave, our concern would not have been so grave. But it doesn’t. There is life beyond the grave.

The rich man closed his eyes on Earth – in death, and opened them in the torments of hell. He begged for a little drop of water but he couldn’t get it. The rich man that had a good supply of water on Earth begged for a drop at the other side!

He loved his family so we begged for a witness to be sent to them from the dead so they could repent and trust God. That plea also didn’t go through.

Living life away from God – trusting human philosophies, religious fables, and the jundiced opinions of social media people, is a calamitous adventure!

You need God. Don’t just trust money and property. They will disappoint you on the day of reckoning. Choose to trust God. Choose to follow God as revealed in His Word and your eternal destination will be far away from the torments of hell.