Are you a genuinely ardent follower of Jesus?

The promise of a good life is not limited to this life. Jesus promises a good and everlasting life to His genuinely ardent followers in the hereafter. Are you a genuinely ardent follower of Jesus?

Just about everyone hopes to have enough to eat and drink. We desire to be in good health and at peace. We love good shelter and the ability to appear nice.

Because of these, we work. God blesses our work with good money. We can afford the necessities of life. Sometimes, we have more than enough and we undertake some initiatives, programmes, and projects that benefit us, our families, our friends, and society at large.

The good things in life are scintillating and cool! But we cannot compare the highest enjoyment of earthly blessings to the great abundance of heaven as revealed by God’s Word. The Bible declares that the heart of a mortal man cannot even begin to conceive the realities of our heavenly realities and possessions.

Let’s not only desire a good earthly life. Let us desire to have all that God has prepared for us in heaven and work towards it.

The abundance of heaven is for the genuine ardent followers of Jesus. Are you an ardent follower of Jesus? If you are not, you can become one today. Do not labour for only this life, that will soon fizzle away. Labour, also, for the life that does not fade away – eternal life.

Come to Jesus today and ask Him into your heart after you have confessed your sins to God and asked for His forgiveness for every one of them. Follow Jesus through His revealed Will in His Word. Follow Jesus ardently.
