Mrs. Ruth Mahlon was a regular woman. She grew up learning how to be a girl and a good crony who loved her family and the ways of her people. One day, this young woman fell in love with a young man, and shortly after, they got married. They hadContinue Reading

When God created time, He intended for us to use it for our good and His worship. He didn’t intend for us to exclude Him from the issues that occupy our time. However, the enemy has spanned out a deceptive way to keep us busy with ephemeral activities until there’sContinue Reading

You cannot run away from: Eating? Drinking? Sleeping? Defaecating? Urinating? Your shadow? Decisions? The consequences of your actions and choices? Death? Judgement? The eternal state? The gravest of all is the judgement. The judgement determines the destination of the eternal state. Here is what God has revealed concerning the judgement:Continue Reading

Selling products and services is a world of its own. The art is as old as man. And many there are that live on selling. We are all selling one thing or another, though. The exchange of goods and services with any legal tender carries with it a special rewardContinue Reading

When Absalom David began his seditious maneuvers in the bid to become the ‘Prime Minister’ of his prosperous kingdom, he had his accession plan laid out. He demonstrated subtle intrigues for some years before he thought that the plan was ripe for the grand unveiling. He wielded political influence byContinue Reading

When Russia decided to attack Ukraine early last year, many people in Ukraine didn’t believe that Russia could do that. Russia, on the other hand, continued to deny its intention to attack Ukraine until the very last moment. And they struck. The war has been on ever since. And theContinue Reading

Moments of sincere quests are moments of truth and clarity. Mr. Jacob Isaac had a rough brush with some undesirable events as a youth because he exercised himself in the disciplines of manipulative acquisition of gain. These disciplines seem innocent and enjoyable but unintended consequences attend to such vice. WeContinue Reading

He was the prince of a vast and prosperous kingdom. He had everything going on well for him. He lacked nothing that a prince of that kingdom should have. Almost everyone was at his beck and call. You would think that this prince should be satisfied with his life andContinue Reading

I lived near a relation several years ago, he was a polygamous middle-aged man with many kids. He was a good man who went about catering to the needs of his household. This great man had 2 deceased friends. I came around his home one day to see him dispatchingContinue Reading

One after another, nations in Africa are taking their destiny into their own hands and shifting power and allegiance, led by men who are trained in the resolution of armed conflicts and the strategies of war. There has been a coup d’état in Gabon. I guess that we are notContinue Reading