There are other 2 vital activities (futher from the ones listed in the part 1 of this series) that contribute directly to spiritual growth and vitality. We shall be looking at them today to explore how you may engage them to further your spiritual cause. The first one is spendingContinue Reading

To grow healthily in your faith in Christ, you need to undertake some spiritual exercises in addition to your regular devotion (expressed in prayers, Bible reading, fellowshiping with other believers, obeying God’s word, and telling others about Jesus). Those exercises that you need to take shall be the foci ofContinue Reading

You meet a lot of unsaved people, who have lost their way in the darkness of this world, every day. God expects you to talk to them about the state of their souls, and to tell them about Jesus. Tell them how Jesus loves them and how He can giveContinue Reading

God established the Church for edification, service, and perfection. You need the fellowship, encouragement and sharpening of other Christians to grow healthily and victoriously. This Church is a Bible- believing, living Church where Jesus Christ is the central theme of every activity and where the Spirit of God is givenContinue Reading

OBEYING GOD every moment of your life is one of the keys to success. Total submission to God and implicit, child-like, sheepish obedience to God’s Word/will is the trigger of authority in, and an unquenchable favour with, God. Obey every Word of God. Let the Word of God mould yourContinue Reading

PRAYING every day. Talking with the God of your salvation is an integral and indispensable part of your walk with God. When you talk to Him, wait for Him to talk to you too! This is prayer. Pray in the morning, pray in the afternoon, and pray at night. Always pray.Continue Reading

God is sovereign and just in all His plans and purposes. The limits of His mercy are unsearchable. He is unlimited in His wisdom and knowledge. We know very little about the capabilities of the God that we serve. If we knew the things of God the way we should,Continue Reading

If you are a child of God, you are of a Kingdom that is different from the other kingdom. Your Kingdom is the Kingdom of God. Do not allow anyone to pull you into carrying out any activity of their kingdom when they will never agree to carry out anyContinue Reading

Faith is holding on to what God said, concerning what we are expecting or crying out to Him for. Faith is believing in God and cooperating with Him.   Faith is what gives life and brings into reality what we hope to receive from God.   WHAT BUILDS FAITH FaithContinue Reading