The phrase “Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand” is a powerful and evocative message found throughout the New Testament, particularly in the teachings of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. It serves as an invitation to introspection, renewal, and alignment with divine purpose. Repentance, in its essence,Continue Reading

The story of Mary and Martha found in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 10:38-42) offers a profound message about priorities and the importance of spending time with Jesus. Jesus visited the home of two sisters, Mary and Martha. Martha was busy with all the preparations that needed to be made.Continue Reading

The statement “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died” comes from the story of Lazarus’ death and resurrection in the Gospel of John (John 11:21). This heartfelt cry from Martha, Lazarus’ sister, reveals both her faith in Jesus and her grief over her brother’s death.Continue Reading

Lot, Abraham’s nephew, lived in the wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. These cities were known for their great sinfulness and rebellion against God. When God decided to destroy these cities because of their wickedness, He sent two angels to rescue Lot and his family. The angels warned Lot toContinue Reading

The story of the rich fool, found in Luke 12:16-21, serves as a poignant reminder of the fleeting nature of earthly treasures and the importance of placing our trust in God rather than material wealth. The rich man in the story accumulated wealth and planned to enjoy it for manyContinue Reading

In the Christian walk, the concept of “pressing towards the mark” serves as a profound reminder of our divine calling and purpose. This phrase originates from the Apostle Paul’s letter to the Philippians, where he speaks of forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, pressing towardsContinue Reading

Backsliding, often referred to as drifting away or falling from grace, poses significant dangers to a believer’s spiritual journey. It is a gradual process, often unnoticed at first, where one’s commitment to God weakens, and worldly temptations gain ground. The Bible warns us in Hebrews 2:1, “Therefore we must payContinue Reading

In many African cultures, there’s a saying that goes, “You cannot put a new cloth on an old body.” This adage underscores the danger of merely external changes without a genuine transformation. Similarly, in Christianity, claiming to be “born again” without experiencing a true spiritual rebirth is a perilous misconception.Continue Reading

The redemption story is an expression of grace, sacrifice, and renewal. It begins with humanity’s fall from grace, mired in sin and separation from God. Yet, God’s love for us was so profound that He sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to bridge the gap between us and Him. JesusContinue Reading

The story of David and Goliath offers a powerful call to repentance and salvation, urging men to turn from their sins and trust in God to be saved from the eternal fires of hell. David, a humble shepherd boy, faced the formidable giant Goliath, representing the overwhelming power of sinContinue Reading