You teach things that you should not teach because you want to grow your social media followership or make lots of money. You upset whole families (young people, married people, singles, students, social media groups, ignorant folks, Church goers, Church ‘drop-outs’, unsuspecting public, etc.) by your teaching and set themContinue Reading

Faith is holding on to what God said, concerning what we are expecting or crying out to Him for. Faith is believing in God and cooperating with Him.   Faith is what gives life and brings into reality what we hope to receive from God.   WHAT BUILDS FAITH FaithContinue Reading

Kartong: I was at Kartong last week. Kartong is a rural settlement that lies near The Gambia’s international border with Senegal. Kartong is a very strategic multi-ethnic village, comprising Mandikans, Jolas, Kronikas, Balantans, and so on, and is about only 60 km from Banjul, The Gambia’s capital city. A boyContinue Reading