The mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit is promised to all flesh. The Holy Spirit is the “other” comforter, Who has taken the place of Jesus. The coming of the Holy Spirit upon a believer in baptismal measure empowers the believer to be a ‘firing’, effective witness for Christ.  InContinue Reading

The Holy Spirit is a gift to every believer. When a person believes in Jesus and receives the salvation He offers, the Holy Spirit comes to live in the believer, imparting spiritual life. The Holy Spirit comes to dwell within the believer to minister to him personally. a. He bearsContinue Reading

Effective wound cleaning is an essential skill that requires proper training and practice to master. The process involves the removal of infected or dead tissue from the wound using scalpels or enzymes. This not only helps to keep the wound clean but also promotes faster healing. Interestingly, sterile maggots ofContinue Reading

The Holy Spirit is the third person in the trinity (the God Head). He is equal with God the Father and God the Son. He is also called the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of the Living God, the Spirit of your Father, the Comforter, the SpiritContinue Reading

The Holy Communion, also known as ‘The Lord’s Supper’, ‘Holy Eucharist’, ‘The Lord’s Table’, ‘Sacrament of the Holy Communion’, is a practice that was instituted by the Lord, Jesus Christ, for His Church. Its intention is ‘[symbolically] proclaiming [the fact of] the Lord’s death until He comes [again].’ (1 CorinthiansContinue Reading

The very moment that believers die, they are in paradise. Their battle is fought; their strife is over. They have passed through that gloomy valley which we must one day tread; they have gone over that dark river which we must one day cross. They have drunk that last bitterContinue Reading

Water baptism is a cardinal teaching of the Bible. It symbolizes identification with, and partaking of, Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. Baptism is a public testimony to the inner work of regeneration. Genuine repentance of sins and the exercise of the saving faith in Christ should precede water baptism. AnyoneContinue Reading

Many people adopt tooth brushing as their primary method of oral hygiene. Tooth brushing is a mechanical means of eliminating microbial biofilm (dental plaque) from the oral cavity. Evidence has shown that dental plaque is implicated in the initiation and progression of the commonest oral diseases – dental caries andContinue Reading

Dentinal hypersensitivity (DHS) is a common and significant dental condition typically characterized by a brief sharp pain in response to exogenous, non-noxious stimuli. This condition negatively affects patients’ quality of life and may disturb their eating, drinking, brushing, and sometimes even breathing. The exact nociceptive mechanisms of DHS have notContinue Reading

Obesity – excessive amount of body fat, is a key public health concern, the world over. It is occurring in epidemic proportions in many populations. We need good health to be able to live life like we ought to and to be productive in our endeavours; but obesity impairs goodContinue Reading