1. You shall have no other gods before Me (Exodus 20:3). This commandment encourages monotheism (the believe in one God – the Almighty God), and forbids polytheism (the worship of many gods), worshipping man, community, imaginary gods, pleasure, reason, philosophy, business, religion, demons, profession, trade, fashion, gods, goddesses, etc. 2. YouContinue Reading

Dental implants are widely used in oro-facial rehabilitation. They are considered effective and acceptable in the replacement of lost teeth and, with implant-supported prosthesis, oro-facial soft and hard tissues configuration. A zygomatic implant is a class of dental implant, which is different from the conventional one, mainly, because it isContinue Reading

This is the final part of the series on ‘Taking regular spiritual exercises’. In this series, we shall concentrate on 3 important disciplines that may help a believer to achieve mastery of some Kingdom domains. These disciplines are: 1. Learn to give. Our first obligation in giving is to God.Continue Reading

There are other 2 vital activities (futher from the ones listed in the part 1 of this series) that contribute directly to spiritual growth and vitality. We shall be looking at them today to explore how you may engage them to further your spiritual cause. The first one is spendingContinue Reading

To grow healthily in your faith in Christ, you need to undertake some spiritual exercises in addition to your regular devotion (expressed in prayers, Bible reading, fellowshiping with other believers, obeying God’s word, and telling others about Jesus). Those exercises that you need to take shall be the foci ofContinue Reading

Oral health is a part of general health, but maintaining good oral health is a bit awkward and different in geriatrics. The dental care of geriatric patients is challenging and needs more attention than the dental care of younger people. Aging is a natural process associated with many oral diseasesContinue Reading

You meet a lot of unsaved people, who have lost their way in the darkness of this world, every day. God expects you to talk to them about the state of their souls, and to tell them about Jesus. Tell them how Jesus loves them and how He can giveContinue Reading

Get rare and affordable population oral health skills and education from the comfort of your home. Enrol in the Orapuh School’s Mini-Master of Dental Public Health (mMDPH) programme today. Dental Public health is the science and art of preventing and controlling dental diseases and promoting dental health through through theContinue Reading