Looking out my window

Looking out my window. The colourful blend of nature with human activities. That mix of different sounds – natural and man-made. The beautiful expression of natural inclinations. They all tell me something about …

The intentions of the Creator.

He wants us to enjoy life. He wants us to live freely and to express ourselves in ways that are both astounding and glorifying to Him. He wants us, the crown of His creation to stay in charge of His creatures.

But …

The earth is broken. The disobedience of man has caused everything to be broken. The intention of God for man is suffering a miscarriage in many lives. Darkness lurks in different spheres.

Thank God for redemption. He made the plan for redemption and restoration of eternal destinies. He calls man back to Himself so he can win over his challenges. He crafts a new path that is full of His good purpose for the redeemed.

Have you walked the road to redemption? Have you trusted the Creator enough to allow Him to lead you to peace, joy, and life? The broken earth will ruin many things for you if you do not walk the road to redemption. A life lived away from redemption is a life that will inherit the bitterest of agonies in the hereafter!