I thought I knew God, but I didn’t. The motions of religion coursed through my being and shaped my values. I read the holy writ available to me and obeyed its commandments. I walked in the ways prescribed by its precepts. I must correct myself — I did know God.Continue Reading

Banjul, November 25, 2024 — A recent study, published in the Orapuh Journal on November 9, 2024, sheds light on the critical shortage of radiographers in KwaZulu-Natal’s public healthcare sector. Authored by Dr. N. Cibane (Management College of Southern Africa, Durban) and Prof. M. Hoque (Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University,Continue Reading

Pursuing further studies after obtaining a first degree or its equivalent is a significant decision that requires careful thought and planning. Whether your goal is to advance your career, switch fields, or deepen your knowledge in a specific subject, understanding the factors that should influence your choices is crucial forContinue Reading

In today’s rapidly evolving job market, the value of traditional postgraduate education, such as a master’s degree, is under intense scrutiny. Rising tuition fees, shifting employer expectations, and the advent of alternative learning platforms have left many wondering: is a traditional master’s degree still a wise investment? At Orapuh School,Continue Reading

Published in Orapuh Journal on January 13, 2024, a groundbreaking study by Sunita Singh and Smita Kumari from Patna Medical College and Hospital (PMCH), Bihar, India, highlights the significant prevalence of Postpartum Depression (PPD) among urban, low-income mothers. The study reveals alarming public health challenges in addressing maternal mental healthContinue Reading