The palpable rage. The musings. The murmuring. The inactions. The counteractions. The rebellious social media posts. The haphazard or insincere quest for the Truth. The desire and gun for the path of the least resistance. The nonchalant attitude in the face of an impending doom. Amazing. Did you know thatContinue Reading

As we journey through life, we encounter different experiences – some are sweet, some are bitter, and some are neutral. There may be turbulence. There may be absolute calm. Those experiences make or mar us. We do not have the same troubles. We do not have the same triumphs. WeContinue Reading

When a dutiful hen lays eggs, the care for those eggs is unprecedented. She lays them where she feels that they are safe. She lays each one at the same place each time until she has finished laying the ‘batch’ for that period. She sits on those eggs to provideContinue Reading

The human body is an aggregation of powerfully endowed micro-parts whose working is a synergistic function of the parts. We could liken the body to a giant machine that is powered by some ‘organ batteries’. The intricacies of the working of the body are further compounded by the interconnectedness ofContinue Reading

When David received that injunction to decide between 3 punishments, he didn’t wait forever to make his choice. He knew God. The fact was that he had transgressed in a matter that God has jurisdiction over. God was not happy with him. Punishment must attend for such misbehaviour. Our considerateContinue Reading

What are the burning desires of your heart at the moment? What is the utmost in your heart? The need to become popular? The need to make more sales? The need to make lots of money? The need to get married and settled in your own home? The need toContinue Reading

Beautiful insects live on the earth. Some are so beautiful that a cursory look at them would make one take them for the work of a skilled artist. They are designed to be pleasing to the eyes and to exude creative and imaginative splendour at their peaks. The butterfly isContinue Reading

Human beings are limited in many ways. For example, we can’t be in different places at the same time, the body is frail and subject to weakness and a steady decline in strength over time. Sometimes, these limitations can hinder us from doing some of the things that we desireContinue Reading

Mr. Jacob Isaac loved his son. The son was born to him at his old age so he became fond of him. The love that he had for this son was overt. Everyone around could notice the affection. The son responded to this privilege by being close and obedient toContinue Reading

Betrayal happens when we give away someone who trusts us or their prospects to some unpleasant outcome through our words, attitude, or actions. Betrayal is most painful when the betrayer is very close to us – a relation, friend, colleague, and so on, or someone that we trust. When JudasContinue Reading