Many years ago, I visited a major city in one of the West African countries for a professional event and a friend asked me to intervene in a situation that was about claiming an innocent life in one of the government hospitals there. My friend’s brother was married to aContinue Reading

The first of the 10 commandments given to man to guide godliness, morality, and human relationships forbids polytheism (the worship of many gods), worshipping man, community, imaginary gods, pleasure, reason, philosophy, business, religion, demons, profession, trade, fashion, gods, goddesses, etc. The commandment is clear, ‘You shall have no other godsContinue Reading

It seems that society teaches us to be disobedient these days. Everywhere you turn, there are words and commands and instructions about finding ways to disobey. Consequently, we disobey constituted authorities, we disobey parents, we disobey religious instructions, we disobey teachers, and so on. We even disobey God. We doContinue Reading

Social vices have a profound influence on society. They redefine values for young people. They redesign customs. They modify even societal institutions where they are allowed. They pervert destinies and thwart honest inclinations. These are obvious influences. There is another influence that is not overt. We cannot observe it directlyContinue Reading

Walking on his balcony, he did what is common to men of means and achievements today. He mused on his accomplishments and the glory of them and gloated over the fact that his enormous strength and wisdom brought in all those. Indeed, he was an uncommon man. He was helpedContinue Reading

Good things can be found in unusual places. It is natural to look for good things in places that are likely to elicit them. However, there are times when our search may not yield the anticipated results. The lesson is that good things are not always found in places thatContinue Reading

The tendency these days is to despise grace. We despise grace because we are familiar with it, someone asks us to, we are ignorant about it, we do not like the carrier, we think that we know or that we already have that grace, and so on. When we despiseContinue Reading

Mary became a fervent believer in Jesus. She loved Him. She followed His teachings. She obeyed His injunctions. Even when He was no longer physically present, her love for Him never waned. She was not always like that. She was once full of sin. She was possessed by demons onContinue Reading

Inconsistencies in our walk with God are occasioned by the flesh and the devil. Both agencies are the real enemies of our souls. They deceive us to think that we are doing fine when we are not. The flesh likes comfort and pleasure and commendations and pride. When we starveContinue Reading

Man has always worked to oppose God’s will and purpose. There is this subtle rebellion against God’s way in many hearts. God gave instructions to the first man – the man that He created. Satan gave a counter instruction to man, and he chose Satan’s way instead of God’s. GodContinue Reading