Ask the dying sinner, stand by his bedside and inquire of him, whether it proves a comfortable and supporting thought that he has cared more for the world than for his soul. Perhaps you never saw the deathbed of one who had not got his feet upon the rock. Oh!Continue Reading

This is a cardinal teaching of God’s Word that helps the believer to know the state of his affairs with God after committing his life to Jesus. The believer who knows their position in God has assurance of salvation and appropriates their privileges and kingdom rights. Another word for thisContinue Reading

The volume of effective information that your mind holds sets you apart from your peers and dignifies your later socialisation and civilisation. Your value system shapes your capabilities and knowledge informs your capabilities. In the world of oral and public health science and practice, attending academic and clinical meetings helpsContinue Reading

Sometimes, men engage in several wrongdoings against fellowmen before turning to Christ for salvation. God does not expect the believer to close their mind to some actions of theirs in times past, which have injured some people, whether this is known to such people or not. There must be 1.Continue Reading

A fellowship is a merit-based scholarship that makes for progressive hyper-specialised training in an academic subject or discipline. This training usually goes beyond what candidates learned in school. Institutions that run fellowships select fellows using criteria that make certain that only candidates who have a clear sense of purpose andContinue Reading

Worship is about God. God still seeks true worshippers. He wants us to be occupied with Him. He wants our soul to bow down before Him in absorbed contemplation of Himself. In this kind of worship, we lose our SELF and are absorbed into HIMSELF. He increases while we decrease.Continue Reading

Have you ever wondered about what happened to the copies of your research work or related document that you submitted to your school before you graduated? Chances are that your work is sitting on a shelf, gathering dust! There is even the possibility that your work – yes, your work –Continue Reading

Noma (Cancrum Oris) is a destructive and disfiguring disease that affects the tissues of the mouth and face. This disease has affinity for children who are not eating well, live in poor communities, have low body immunity, and do not take care of their mouth very well. However, this diseaseContinue Reading

Repentance is the complete conscious and deliberate turning away from sin and its pleasures towards God and His holy pleasure. No one can manifest true faith without genuine repentance. Repentance happens this way: 1. a man hears the good news about Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit convicts him ofContinue Reading

The fall of man brought unthinkable consequences for man and the earth. I am sure that if man had known what would happen in the aftermath of the fall, he would have exercised some restraint in his choice of actions. Today, man is broken. The earth is broken. Thoughts areContinue Reading