There has been an outbreak of Marburg Virus Disease (MVD) in Germany, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, Uganda, Netherlands, USA, Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Russia, Kenya, and South Africa. Equatorial Guinea is still reeling under the burden of an outbreak. MVD is a severe fever that causes serious bleedingContinue Reading

When man disobeyed God and transgressed against Him in the Garden of Eden, man fell from glory, grace, and favour with God. He lost his fellowship with God. He ceased from being God’s son by a close relationship. He was now only God’s son by creation. Man was headed forContinue Reading

Remember the Oxford University’s Malaria Vaccine (the R21/Matrix-M vaccine) that Ghana’s Food and Drugs Authority approved for use in children aged 5-36 months last week? Nigeria has just become the second nation to approve it for use. The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) communicated theContinue Reading

Man was created a good, complete, and clean being. God, the creator, was pleased with man’s ‘emergence’ in space and time because man was the crown of His creation and was created in His image. He relished the fellowship that He has with man. He came around during the ‘coolContinue Reading

Dental therapists are primary oral healthcare professionals who are trained and licensed to perform basic clinical, educational, and therapeutic services to patients, including children and young adults. As members of the dental team, dental therapists in several countries work at different levels of the healthcare system but primarily in settingsContinue Reading

Jesus was miraculously conceived by His mother, Mary. Mary was a virgin at the time of His conception. This revelation of scriptures validates the deity of Jesus and His distinctive nature as the only sinless man that has ever walked the Earth. A woman who has not had sexual relationsContinue Reading

Halitosis is an offensive odour emanating from the mouth whose effects are so devastating on the social and psychological state of individuals. Over 50% of the world population is claimed to have halitosis and it is the third commonest complaint patients present to the dental clinic. The objective of thisContinue Reading

From God’s Word, we know that the doctrine of the Holy Trinity (Godhead) revolves around the fact that the Godhead consists of three separate, distinct, and recognisable personalities and qualities, perfectly united in one. These personalities are The Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. Each member of theContinue Reading

As India overtakes China as the most populous country in the world, should we consider this a good trophy for the nation? Population explosion has implications. There are implications for the health care system. There are implications for the environment. There are implications for food security. There are implications forContinue Reading

The greatest knowledge on earth is that of knowing God. God has given us a revelation of Himself in His Word. The things that He has revealed about His nature and attributes are sufficient for our salvation, walk with Him, and making heaven eventually. Through the Bible we understand thatContinue Reading