There was a great man of the East who had tremendous energy and demonstrated enthusiasm for the things of God in his day. He had knowledge of the ways of God and he taught that to numerous people. In fact, he moved from place to place spreading the light thatContinue Reading

When it comes to the core matters of eternity, you are just an individual. When it comes to the matters of salvation from sin, death, judgement, and the eternal state, you are alone in your choice and destiny. All other persons are not significant on that journey. When the richContinue Reading

Your knowledge, experience, and skills can announce you where it matters most or promote you to prominence in spheres of influence. However, we should not concentrate on the gift with abandon, to the exclusion of other important ingredients for success and good relations in life. When we offend the wrongContinue Reading

He was a chief prison warden (jailer) in a European country. He did his job well and had the trust of his superiors. He had subordinates who were at his command. He had a beautiful family with whom he lived on the prison campus. Everything was going well with thisContinue Reading

The making of a great Christian does not happen suddenly or overnight. It is not a function of following ‘cunningly devised fables’ like confused or misguided persons in Churches and on social media peddle today. There is confusion over when a person becomes saved. Some people affirm that it isContinue Reading

Kings come and go. Dominions wane. Kingdoms rise and fall. The truly great one knows what others don’t. ‘… he that doeth the will of God abideth forever.’ (1 John 2:17 KJV). David was the king of the kingdom of Israel. He got himself endeared to God by the inclinationsContinue Reading

I don’t know about you, but sometimes, I thank God that I am not created an animal. He could have created you a cow but He created you a human. Isn’t that something to be grateful for and to shout about?! How come we now seem to glorify behaving likeContinue Reading

Hastily preempting events that we do not have control over because of sentiments or emotional concerns can whip up unnecessary and undesirable rivalry and battles. It was Mr. Isaac Abraham who felt that he was old and at the point of death. He must have observed that when people getContinue Reading

When he came to Greece, he had a troubling time. He was troubled, not because he did anything wrong and not because he was worried that something negative might occur. There is a higher level of living and meaning when we get concerned about societal ills. Those who know aboutContinue Reading

The art of warfare is the art of conflict, strategy, and combat. Conflict is as old as man and combat predates modern civilization.  The battles that were fought and won in history were coloured by varying machinations and strategies. Warfare declarations and its instruments and ultimate decisions are always vestedContinue Reading