Sometimes, when I read posts from people of different backgrounds and of different vocations, I see their personalities, stories, or norms in their content. Some praise themselves, hail their achievements or even project into the future about the person that they are becoming. We like ourselves, our work, and ourContinue Reading

An athlete competes in a game to win. He stretches himself – sometimes beyond measure, to aim at the prize. When he wins, he wins alone. He may have a manager, but he wins alone. He may have advisers and assistants, but he wins alone. He may declare that hisContinue Reading

What do you know about transformation? What do you know about a complete turnaround? Imagine for a moment the transformation that takes place in the lifecycle of a butterfly. Imagine the life of the butterfly – from the ‘cradle’ of formlessness to the beautiful tapestry of the winged adult exudingContinue Reading

To change the end of your earthly sojourn, you must change the pattern of your walk. In the Kingdom, your walk begets your destination. You cannot walk disorderly now and expect to end up in an organised realm. Judas Iscariot was steadfast in his disordered walk. He stole, he betrayedContinue Reading

Navigating the maze of complexities called, ‘the world’ can be overwhelming and perplexing. Society and its institutions have a way of draining energy out of an ‘innocent’ soul! God, the creator, endows every entrant with a gift or some gifts with which they can cope in this ‘maze’. He putsContinue Reading

The subtle inclination these days is to value independence and freedom above reasonable limits. Yes, there should be limits to our freedom and independence. When we fail to observe good limits in the exercise of our freedom or independence, we risk sliding into the realm of reckless prodigality. The BibleContinue Reading

Cruel, rugged, and mean. The nails. Designed for wood and invested with the power to bind, their purpose was inverted on that day to turn you and me from the lonely road to a bad end. As Jesus lay at Golgotha, fastened to the rugged tree that sealed the transactionContinue Reading

Flowers are made for beauty, enhancement, and for catalysing good things. They are diverse and widely distributed around the world. We enjoy their beauty, sweet smell, food, and so on. They make for happiness, expression, concealment, and, sometimes, food. We love flowers. We cherish flowers. We keep flowers. We protectContinue Reading

Decisions of worth are not made hastily. Hasty decisions end up in the garbage section of mundane issues. Kingdom decisions require thoughtful consideration and scripture-backed actions. When our will is aligned with Kingdom priorities, we can make quick decisions that are appropriate and relevant to God’s purpose for the hourContinue Reading

Sandals are simple footwears that people make use of. Sandals, like other footwear protect the feet and promote comfort, convenience, and wellness for the feet. Sandals are also symbolic of one’s purpose or office. Just like we say of shoes, ‘his shoes are too big for me to step into’,Continue Reading