About 14 years ago, while we were holding evangelistic meetings in a Central African country, we were called to a nearby neighbourhood to minister to a young woman who had just been brought back from the hospital because doctors couldn’t help her anymore. Her situation was bad. You could seeContinue Reading

Several years ago, I lived in a region where every average person I met and tried to share the gospel with thought that they were born again because they had been baptized. Some even claimed that they obtained salvation at birth! I get concerned over this kind of (seeming) innocentContinue Reading

‘Help for the beginner in Christ‘ is a special book written in 2006 to help new believers take the first steps of their walk with God swiftly and soundly. It is my prayer that everyone that reads this book finds it helpful in building a great foundation of fervency andContinue Reading

Have you ever received an invitation that really spoke to you? Maybe it was an invitation to a fun party or a relaxing vacation. But have you ever thought about the different types of invitations that are mentioned in scriptures? There are invitations to salvation, to find comfort, to prayContinue Reading

Are you ready to make a difference in the world? It’s time to answer the call of the Great Commission and preach the gospel! Don’t just sit back and watch as sinners slip away into hell. Let’s roll up our sleeves and get to work! Evangelism isn’t just for pastorsContinue Reading

Spiritual gifts are primarily for the spreading of the gospel and bringing souls to Jesus Christ, they are used for edifying the body of Christ and confirming the already written word of God which is to be preached and taught. • Spiritual gifts strengthen faith in others • We oughtContinue Reading

The pressure is remarkable. The pressure to talk like others. The pressure to belittle others because of what they did to us in the past. The pressure to talk down on competitors and whatever they represent. The pressure to criticise our political leaders – sometimes blindly. The pressure to speakContinue Reading

The gifts of the Holy Spirit can be categorized into three groups based on their nature and purpose. The term “gift” is derived from the Greek word “charism” and refers to spiritual blessings bestowed by the Holy Spirit to benefit the Church of God. These gifts are crucial for theContinue Reading

Regarding the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Jesus instructed the Church to go out into the world and spread the Gospel, teaching all that He had commanded. He instructed them to heal the sick, cast out demons, and proclaim the coming of the Kingdom of God, calling all to repentance.Continue Reading