There are times when people generate undue emphasis on matters that should receive just a little of such attention, given the factors related to them at that particular point in time. This act is what is known as a misplaced priority. When a student tours clubs or spends every spareContinue Reading

Orapuh Diploma in Tropical Dentistry and Oral Health (DTDOH) has great clinical relevance, particularly if you plan to practice dentistry or an allied dental profession in tropical or resource-limited regions. Here are some ways it can be relevant: Tropical Dentistry Focus: This diploma includes training specific to dental issues commonlyContinue Reading

Man had corrupted his way before God. He had become very sinful. He ceased not to commit sin and devise sinful principles and strategies routinely. God was not happy with that ugly development. His purpose for creating man on the earth and putting him in charge of all His creationContinue Reading

Obtaining a short-duration dental or public health qualification can be advantageous for several reasons: 1. Quick Entry to the Workforce: Short programmes allow you to enter the job market sooner and start gaining experience. 2. Skill Enhancement: These qualifications can provide specific, practical skills that can be immediately applied inContinue Reading

Effectively managing a dental facility requires a combination of clinical, administrative, and interpersonal skills. These skills are taught in the Orapuh Certificate in Dental Facility Management (CDFM) programme. Here are some key factors: Clinical Excellence: Ensure the dental care provided is of high quality. This involves hiring skilled and licensedContinue Reading

Culture is the way of life of a people. Culture varies from context to context. We have tribal cultures, workplace culture, social media culture, and so on. When we become believers in Christ, we are faced with the need to define the scope of our allegiance to the Kingdom ofContinue Reading

It is not enough to belong to a Church or be baptized. It is not enough to be a communicant or strong financial supporter in a Church. Following Christ entails much more. We can’t erect an enduring building without taking time to build a solid foundation for it. In Christendom,Continue Reading

Creating knowledge involves acquiring, processing, and applying information to gain a deeper understanding of a subject or to generate new insights. Here’s how Orapuh students contribute to knowledge creation: Curiosity and Inquiry: They are taught to be curious about their subject area or questions related to it. They ask questionsContinue Reading

God’s love is amazing. His grace is enormous. And, His mercies know no bounds. He restores. He heals. He blesses. The intricate working of His abilities are upon His creation. It is impossible to live or thrive away from His watchful eyes. We imagine that He is not there, butContinue Reading