The dimensions of God’s love for humanity transcend the limits of measurement. It encompasses the length of eternity, stretching beyond the confines of time itself. It knows no boundaries, reaching every corner of existence. From the dawn of creation to the endless expanse of the future, God’s love endures, unwaveringContinue Reading

Salvation is the gift of eternal life offered by God to humanity. It is about recognising our need for a Saviour and accepting Jesus Christ as that Saviour. Here is a simple explanation: Recognise Sin: We have all made mistakes, big or small. These are sins, things that separate usContinue Reading

Cancer is increasingly affecting younger adults, prompting researchers to explore new leads, such as a link to accelerated biological aging. Dr. Yin Cao, an associate professor of surgery at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, presented the new research at the American Association of Cancer Research’s annual conferenceContinue Reading

Those who bluff genuine devotion to the Creator of all things and brush it aside as mere religion are at risk of losing their soul to the horrible place that they trivialise now. The deception that comes with the search for success and good health, or the acquisition of successContinue Reading

The phrase “Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand” is a powerful and evocative message found throughout the New Testament, particularly in the teachings of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ. It serves as an invitation to introspection, renewal, and alignment with divine purpose. Repentance, in its essence,Continue Reading

The story of Mary and Martha found in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 10:38-42) offers a profound message about priorities and the importance of spending time with Jesus. Jesus visited the home of two sisters, Mary and Martha. Martha was busy with all the preparations that needed to be made.Continue Reading

Feeling lonely or socially isolated could increase your chances of dying early, a study reveals. The study, published in the journal Nature Human Behaviour in June 2023, analyzed 90 studies involving over 2 million adults. People who were socially isolated had a 32% higher risk of early death compared toContinue Reading

The statement “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died” comes from the story of Lazarus’ death and resurrection in the Gospel of John (John 11:21). This heartfelt cry from Martha, Lazarus’ sister, reveals both her faith in Jesus and her grief over her brother’s death.Continue Reading