Lessons from Jesus on the Mountain Matthew 8:1 “When He was come down from the mountain, great multitudes followed Him.” Let us concentrate on the first part of verse 1: “When He was come down from the mountain.” This means or shows that Jesus went to the mountain. It wasContinue Reading

Introduction Salvation through Jesus Christ is a fundamental teaching of the Christian faith, central to understanding God’s love, mercy, and redemptive plan for humanity. According to the Bible, salvation offers deliverance from sin and its consequences, bringing believers into a restored relationship with God and promising eternal life. This articleContinue Reading

Matthew 8:1–33 Introduction: Let us delve into Matthew 8, a chapter filled with powerful encounters between Jesus and those in desperate need of His attention. These stories remind us that when Jesus takes notice of our circumstances, our lives are never the same. Whether we come with faith or fear,Continue Reading

The silence voice of the dying.   No body understands the pain of someone who knows they are dying.     In the heart ❤️, mind and voice of my late father.       “It is bitter painful knowing you are leaving the family you loved” (Onuagha, 2023)   Continue Reading

Faith is holding on to what God said, concerning what we are expecting or crying out to Him for. Faith is believing in God and cooperating with Him.   Faith is what gives life and brings into reality what we hope to receive from God.   WHAT BUILDS FAITH FaithContinue Reading

Prayer connects us to God. In Prayer Divinity and Humanity are United such that Humanity begins to Glow with Divine Aura. Humanity make out time to PRAY. Don’t forget to PRAY.      Continue Reading