Mercy! Sweet concept. God invented it. Satan abhors it. Man needs it. There will be no forgiveness without it. Jesus would have cared less for the world without it. I would be lost without it. Mercy is for the sinful. Mercy is for the downtrodden. Mercy is for the destitute.Continue Reading

Life is deep. Its recesses are deeper than any common understanding. No one really understands all there is to know about life. Some of our attempts to explain events and activities are just scratches on the surface of a gigantic mystery. Who then understands life? Who can measure its immensity?Continue Reading

Looking out my window. The colourful blend of nature with human activities. That mix of different sounds – natural and man-made. The beautiful expression of natural inclinations. They all tell me something about … The intentions of the Creator. He wants us to enjoy life. He wants us to liveContinue Reading

An autonomous machine is a machine that operates on its own without any recourse to a control system either wired or wireless. The machine is made to function on its own and to navigate the maze of its operational details. It has an inbuilt functional capacity to accommodate its operationalContinue Reading

The steps that cover a great distance are taken in a few paces over time. Great things happen when we persevere in taking small steps toward a goal. After the encounter that Apostle Paul had with Jesus on the way to Damascus, he began to experience God in every senseContinue Reading

When a loved one is navigating an unnecessarily dangerous path, we plead with them to leave that path. We cry for them – sometimes, overtly and at other times, covertly or in our hearts. The heart that loves is always burdened with the ills that attend to the lives thatContinue Reading

Man had corrupted his way before God. He had become very sinful. He ceased not to commit sin and devise sinful principles and strategies routinely. God was not happy with that ugly development. His purpose for creating man on the earth and putting him in charge of all His creationContinue Reading

Culture is the way of life of a people. Culture varies from context to context. We have tribal cultures, workplace culture, social media culture, and so on. When we become believers in Christ, we are faced with the need to define the scope of our allegiance to the Kingdom ofContinue Reading

It is not enough to belong to a Church or be baptized. It is not enough to be a communicant or strong financial supporter in a Church. Following Christ entails much more. We can’t erect an enduring building without taking time to build a solid foundation for it. In Christendom,Continue Reading

God’s love is amazing. His grace is enormous. And, His mercies know no bounds. He restores. He heals. He blesses. The intricate working of His abilities are upon His creation. It is impossible to live or thrive away from His watchful eyes. We imagine that He is not there, butContinue Reading