A door provides a building with an entrance point, promotes privacy, and protects the building from intruders. A house without a door is prone to unauthorised access and in such a house, safety is compromised. Since we have many buildings, it is appropriate to say that we have many doors.Continue Reading

Hunger is one of the universal drivers of uncommon activities. The game changer in the hunger-activity drama is the object of hunger. What are you hungry for? Food? Fame? Money? Success? Relationship? What? We meet a man who has a different kind of hunger. Zacchaeus. He is an accomplished mogulContinue Reading

Individual differences can be grave. Our differences are powered by our value system – our worldview. And value systems are shaped by familial inclinations and societal/social institutions. Two persons were in the place of prayer. One was of a group of people who thought that they were already part ofContinue Reading

Blessings come in different ways. You are as limited as any other human being, but when you make up your mind to achieve certain goals and you follow through with that decision, the results could be amazing. The biblical Bezaleel Uri of the tribe of Judah was determined to becomeContinue Reading

There is a great force that only integrity, purity, and godliness can muster. Chances are that you have read about a young Jewish woman who was like any other woman of her day but became great because she found favour with God. Integrity, purity, and godliness bring people into favourContinue Reading

When Paul became a believer – when he made the commitment to follow Jesus, God’s grace abounded for him and led him into a deeper and fulfilling relationship with God. He grew until he became an effective and a mighty witness of Christ’s resurrection and Kingdom Once we make theContinue Reading

He could have turned out a great guy but he failed. He had a promising future but his hopes evaporated into thin air before his eyes. This man had a prominent place among his cronies. He had a say at the table of decisions. He was the preferred candidate forContinue Reading

There was a great man of the Middle East who had influence and power. He was a soldier that was recognised in his nation. However, he was not like some of the soldiers of his day. He was humble and compassionate, despite his great achievements. This man was touched byContinue Reading

Some young people think that their life is so sweet and fulfilling when they live as they please. They receive applause here and there – from people who are not qualified to guide the young and vulnerable. This reminds me of the story of a beautiful young woman that livedContinue Reading