Graces do expire! God’s mercy and love cannot remain available to an impenitent and sinful man forever. There is a place where the call of God’s Spirit (the call to repentance) is lost. Do not get to that place. Take action now that you still may. God’s Spirit is callingContinue Reading

There are prayer efforts around the world. Many religions make efforts to access God or the object of their worship. Countries have been rated as the most religious countries in the world. In those countries, tonnes of prayers are offered daily to God or some gods. Everyone who prays hasContinue Reading

Religious knowledge or leadership does not confer salvation. Only the experience of Jesus does. Nicodemus came to Jesus and began to extol some of the good virtues that he had observed about Him. Jesus told him clearly that he needed to become born again if he hoped to be aContinue Reading

The people of Sodom and Gomorrah were very bad. They lived as they desired. They satisfied their base appetites in the most clandestine of ways. Someone continued to talk to them to change their ways but his pleas fell on deaf ears. They wanted to remain in their ways. AndContinue Reading

Hearts are meant to absorb and love. When they fail in those duties, we become belligerent and evil. We are creatures of love – created with the capacity to give and receive love but the fall of man (in the garden of Eden) and the mystery of iniquity are interferingContinue Reading

Don’t expect to travel a common path and access uncommon results. Life is guided by principles. Common paths lead to common results while uncommon paths lead to uncommon results. Common paths are paths of least resistance. Real champions are scarce on that road. There can’t be overcomers if there areContinue Reading

When we listen to others more than we give attendance to God’s Word, we risk being led astray. God’s Word provides the guidelines for the salvation of our souls. God’s Word pulsates with the nourishment that our souls need as we seek to grow in our experience of God. God’sContinue Reading

A wise man creates time for important issues of great consequences. They don’t leave grave matters to fate. They explore the intricacies of such matters, intending to attend to them urgently. In life, there are important and urgent matters that require our prompt and holistic attention. One such matter isContinue Reading

God is all-knowing. No one can hide the state of their soul from Him. People hide their spiritual state from others. And they do that in various ways: They focus on their careers or businesses and assume they are right with God because they are successful. They place more emphasis onContinue Reading

We make different choices routinely. The choices we make influence our life and welfare. You are where you are today mostly because of the choices of yesterday. You will be somewhere tomorrow because of the choices of today. One of the choices we make in life is the choice ofContinue Reading