Have you believed in an illusion all your life? An illusion is a perception or interpretation of something that differs from objective reality. What are your ideas about 1. the nature of deity 2. the afterlife 3. moral principles 4. the efficacy of religious rituals What are your beliefs concerningContinue Reading

This is the time to draw near to God. Skeptics need to re-examine the evidence for the absolute trust in the Creator. There are several schools of thought and theories concerning the origin of the world and man. Scientists hold a popular view, humanists have their own perspectives, philosophers comeContinue Reading

The experience of God is crucial to the ‘new birth’. No one who hasn’t experienced God in a personal and relational way is born again. It is good to go to Church regularly but attending Church services without being born again is tantamount to staying near God’s kingdom without becomingContinue Reading

Graces do expire! God’s mercy and love cannot remain available to an impenitent and sinful man forever. There is a place where the call of God’s Spirit (the call to repentance) is lost. Do not get to that place. Take action now that you still may. God’s Spirit is callingContinue Reading

There are prayer efforts around the world. Many religions make efforts to access God or the object of their worship. Countries have been rated as the most religious countries in the world. In those countries, tonnes of prayers are offered daily to God or some gods. Everyone who prays hasContinue Reading

Religious knowledge or leadership does not confer salvation. Only the experience of Jesus does. Nicodemus came to Jesus and began to extol some of the good virtues that he had observed about Him. Jesus told him clearly that he needed to become born again if he hoped to be aContinue Reading

Imagine this: Over 1 billion people, including kids, teens, and adults, are battling obesity worldwide. It’s like a global issue, with obesity becoming the top form of malnutrition in lots of places. This information dropped in a study published in The Lancet journal on February 29. The effects of obesityContinue Reading

The people of Sodom and Gomorrah were very bad. They lived as they desired. They satisfied their base appetites in the most clandestine of ways. Someone continued to talk to them to change their ways but his pleas fell on deaf ears. They wanted to remain in their ways. AndContinue Reading

The Angolan Ministry of Health, backed by the World Health Organization, recently hosted a workshop to give the thumbs up to their Multisectoral NCD Plan. This gathering was a melting pot of experts, academics, government officials, community leaders, and private sector players, all emphasizing the power of teamwork in fightingContinue Reading

Hearts are meant to absorb and love. When they fail in those duties, we become belligerent and evil. We are creatures of love – created with the capacity to give and receive love but the fall of man (in the garden of Eden) and the mystery of iniquity are interferingContinue Reading