Today marks 4 years since our uncommon journey began towards a resilient future. We’re grateful to every member of our community for their unwavering support and contributions. As we continue to embrace Orapuhism, let’s look ahead to a future filled with boundless possibilities. Happy Orapuhversary to all Orapuhians! Together, we’reContinue Reading

The burden of sin weighs heavily on everyone who has not been genuinely born again. The guilt of sin, the cost of sin, the shame that is attendant to sin, the scourge of sin, etc. They may deny this but it is true. They may try to live as ifContinue Reading

It is not enough to go to Church regularly or to belong to a highly esteemed Church. Matters of salvation transcend that type of commitment. They are grave matters. Salvation is a serious experience that doesn’t happen mistakenly or by a mere association with some of the elements of ChristianContinue Reading

He must have felt like a genius when he chose to rely on his strength and wisdom to run his life. I am talking about the rich young man that Jesus talks about in the holy scriptures. He had entrepreneurial ideas and the principles of prosperity, which are good inContinue Reading

People do not participate in games for nothing. Every game is optimized to precipitate a winner. The Christian journey is like a race. Every believer is an athlete. Whereas in a conventional race, only a few athletes (3 actually) are considered victorious, in the Christian race, everyone could be victorious.Continue Reading

What does it take to please God? How may we know that we are in a good relationship with the Creator of the universe and us all? First, we must become a member of His family. The family of God is the people who have been redeemed from sin, itsContinue Reading

People forsake God daily. When they do so, they make for themselves or align themselves with, broken cisterns – vain alternatives. What does it mean to forsake God? We forsake God when we do not follow the path that He has crafted for salvation but follow our perceptions or someContinue Reading

How does it feel to live without God? The emptiness. The chasing after ephemeral ‘alternatives’. The impending ultimate consequence! Sometimes, godlessness assumes that there is no God. At other times, it reaches out to God their way and not the right way. There is the subtle, and sometimes, overt, rejectionContinue Reading

Sometimes, the truth of God’s Word is pungent and the verdict of His counsel is directly troubling. It is soothing to the human mind to assume or conclude that they are doing the right thing – they believe the right concepts, they are following the right religion, they are workingContinue Reading

Enticements are all around us – enticement to jettison God, love God less, or lessen our devotion to Him. Enticements come from 1. Television programmes 2. Social media influencers and enthusiasts 3. Internet sources 4. Some prominent scientists 5. Some humanists 6. Some ignorant folks 7. Some backsliders 8. SomeContinue Reading