Kish was a wealthy and influencial man who was known in his nation. He had a son. This son was handsome and endowed with a good physic. He was admired by the people of his day. The regular person appreciates good things. The son of Kish was not just theContinue Reading

Different characters were at Golgotha, the setting of Jesus’s crucifixion – the jeerers, the sympathizers, acquaintances, enemies, etc. There was another man there. A Roman soldier. He was of a different nation and was not associated with Jesus. But as he observed, keenly, the supernatural manifestations that attended to theContinue Reading

The horror of consciously descending into the unknown is enormous. Have you ever felt overwhelmed by a crisis and felt you were at your wit’s end? How did it feel? Were you horrified by the prospect of being pushed down by the problem? That is it. It is not alwaysContinue Reading

Sin is tiring. – the guilt. – the consequences. – the draining of resources. – the loss of vital energy. – the need to cover up some stories. – the loss of vital relationships. – the barrage of heartaches. – the unnecessary drama. – the hurts from failed activities. –Continue Reading

Called to serve his nation at an austere and difficult time, this man was enthusiastic about the prospect of being a part of the new lease of life in the kingdom. His call was an urgent, royal one. Everyone would love this kind of call. There had been great hungerContinue Reading

It is a good thing to be ambitious. But, a misplaced or greedy ambition? Destructive. It is a perversion of the essence of the craft. A king’s son who was supposed to enjoy his position as a prince of a burgeoning God-favoured kingdom inadvertently gave up that privilege and evenContinue Reading

We all have our beliefs, attitudes, and practices. Everyone believes in something – philosophies, traditions, personality, religion, etc. Even an atheist believes something – that there is no God! – what if you find out at the end of your life that you have believed the wrong things all along?Continue Reading

Have you counted the cost? – the cost of traveling down a road that you are not sure of at the end or of the manager. – the cost of following a life philosophy, man, or religion that promises no secure future. – the cost of laying claim to salvationContinue Reading

The glory of a nation is in its young people. Investments in the life of young people are investments in the future of society. Such investments come in the form of free, affordable, or subsidised education, skills teaching, support for small and medium-scale enterprises, and so on. A nation thatContinue Reading

What do you call a purpose? A prospered man thought that he had a purpose when he had an abundance of resources at his disposal. He had amassed massive resources to cater to the needs of several days ahead so he was satisfied that his hard work yielded those fruits.Continue Reading