Repentance is the complete conscious and deliberate turning away from sin and its pleasures towards God and His holy pleasure. No one can manifest true faith without genuine repentance. Repentance happens this way: 1. a man hears the good news about Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit convicts him ofContinue Reading

The fall of man brought unthinkable consequences for man and the earth. I am sure that if man had known what would happen in the aftermath of the fall, he would have exercised some restraint in his choice of actions. Today, man is broken. The earth is broken. Thoughts areContinue Reading

When man disobeyed God and transgressed against Him in the Garden of Eden, man fell from glory, grace, and favour with God. He lost his fellowship with God. He ceased from being God’s son by a close relationship. He was now only God’s son by creation. Man was headed forContinue Reading

Man was created a good, complete, and clean being. God, the creator, was pleased with man’s ‘emergence’ in space and time because man was the crown of His creation and was created in His image. He relished the fellowship that He has with man. He came around during the ‘coolContinue Reading

Jesus was miraculously conceived by His mother, Mary. Mary was a virgin at the time of His conception. This revelation of scriptures validates the deity of Jesus and His distinctive nature as the only sinless man that has ever walked the Earth. A woman who has not had sexual relationsContinue Reading

From God’s Word, we know that the doctrine of the Holy Trinity (Godhead) revolves around the fact that the Godhead consists of three separate, distinct, and recognisable personalities and qualities, perfectly united in one. These personalities are The Father, the Son (Jesus), and the Holy Spirit. Each member of theContinue Reading

The greatest knowledge on earth is that of knowing God. God has given us a revelation of Himself in His Word. The things that He has revealed about His nature and attributes are sufficient for our salvation, walk with Him, and making heaven eventually. Through the Bible we understand thatContinue Reading

The Bible is the inspired word of God. It is the valid revelation of God to mankind and contains all that the believer would need to live godly and conduct his affairs in this life. It also gives us a peep into what happens hereafter and how to merit livingContinue Reading

The problem of sin is less understood by many, including religious leaders. That is the reason why people promote sin, and some see no wrong in sinful words, thoughts, and actions, even in religious circles. To give an example that you can relate to or checkup, social media is repleteContinue Reading

‘Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: …’ (1 John 3:1 KJV) A Saviour was commissioned by heaven to die for offenses that He did not commit. I committed offenses, He took the punishment. Amazing twist ofContinue Reading