What would you rather have – success in this life and failure in the hereafter or success in both spheres? Success in life is measured by accomplishments. Even though accomplishments are relative, depending on the context, we all agree that they constitute the common yardstick for determining success. What areContinue Reading

There is victory in knowing Jesus as Saviour and Lord. He guides us into inexplicable blessings, success, and victory. Jesus is the ultimate companion. The freedom that He gives is peerless. He who doesn’t know Jesus doesn’t know true freedom. Those who have Him are privileged to experience His liberatingContinue Reading

While the world is immersed in hatred, violence, turmoil, and all forms of vices and it seems that everything is going against the common man, Jesus offers hope for now and hereafter. He offers to calm personal storms. He offers to calm national and international storms. He offers to giveContinue Reading

The only thing that is constant in life is ‘change’, they say. Living requires making adjustments to accommodate some of the realities of our shared humanity. We adjust our schedules to accommodate unforeseen exigencies – like congested traffic, the volume of work at the workplaces, having to work late onContinue Reading

It is totally okay to feel good. Feel good about yourself and feel good about everything around you – all fleeting concerns. But, do you feel good about things that will never pass away? Are you aware that you will never cease to exist? Yes, you will be conscious forever.Continue Reading

The deceptions that come with good health and success can be overwhelming. More often than not, healthy and/or successful people do not feel their need for God or think that good health and success are everything. Good health and success are fleeting. Those who have them possess them for aContinue Reading

The promise of a good life is not limited to this life. Jesus promises a good and everlasting life to His genuinely ardent followers in the hereafter. Are you a genuinely ardent follower of Jesus? Just about everyone hopes to have enough to eat and drink. We desire to beContinue Reading

When we wake up every morning, the opportunity to make good decisions that will move our lives forward presents itself. The opportunity presents itself again today. What are you going to do with the opportunity? You should make decisions that will promote productivity, peace, and blessings for you. But don’tContinue Reading

Pretending to be saved when we are not is self-deception. God cannot be deceived. He will evaluate every man’s life and work and reward them accordingly. Our lifestyle can be confusing at times. We dress like we are in God’s Kingdom, We use the language of the saved, We argueContinue Reading

Changes are constant in life. We are all products of the different changes during cell development and societal structures and institutions. As we change, we grow into the different shades of the personalities that our nature and nurture are shaping us into. Our genes and environment shape into beings thatContinue Reading