Pretending to be saved when we are not is self-deception. God cannot be deceived. He will evaluate every man’s life and work and reward them accordingly. Our lifestyle can be confusing at times. We dress like we are in God’s Kingdom, We use the language of the saved, We argueContinue Reading

Changes are constant in life. We are all products of the different changes during cell development and societal structures and institutions. As we change, we grow into the different shades of the personalities that our nature and nurture are shaping us into. Our genes and environment shape into beings thatContinue Reading

The genuine awareness of our sinfulness, the frailty of humanity, the reality of life after death, and the fact that what we do with Christ and our lives now will either glorify or damn our souls eternally should drive us to seek God now until we find Him. That shouldContinue Reading

The days are upon us! People are falling away from the faith. Many are becoming too sinful or materialistic and others equate spiritual progress with wealth – acquired genuinely or from predatory business, organisational, or pulpit practices. What constitutes real spirituality? We all need to access our Creator, but itContinue Reading

Salvation doesn’t come by mere declarations. There must be a deep transformation within. The transformation happens when we bow to God’s authority and allow Him to work on our lives. We begin to surrender to God’s authority at the point of praying the ‘sinner’s prayer’. During this time, realise thatContinue Reading

Why do eternal things seem unreal to you sometimes? Why is there so much energy over things that will soon become worthless and less interest in eternal concerns? Why do people read volumes of secular literature but gloss over literature with godly content? Why do people prefer sports and entertainmentContinue Reading

I wish that the state of things with man’s soul is as the average man believes it is. But it is not. There is more to existence and the hereafter than everyone would like to believe. More often than not, we tend to believe what brings us comfort and restContinue Reading

There are different kinds of possibilities. There are possibilities of human principles and there are possibilities of divine principles. If you depend effectively on one set of principles, you will make progress in the realm that those principles govern. But if you depend effectively on both sets of principles, youContinue Reading

We live in the reality of our worldviews. Your value system affects how you handle serious matters. Some worldviews trivialise serious matters and consider less important matters as very important. When such worldviews revolve around fleeting concerns and matters that have no far-reaching effects, the holders of such views areContinue Reading